Zahra Ayu Kusumah

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My osis experience when junior and senior high school

My Student Council Experience during Middle and High School 


One fine morning when I was just entering the 1st grade of junior high school, after a few days I got friends who were kind to me. 

and I also get a very kind teacher. 


I received a notification from my homeroom teacher that I and 2 of my friends were selected to become OSIS candidates. When we were selected, it didn't take long for us to take the exam to qualify for the Student Council. I think the exam is quite difficult and has a lot of questions and you are only given a few minutes to complete the exam. 


after the day passed the announcement of the student council selection arrived, I couldn't wait to see the results, and sure enough my friends and I passed the selection. me and my friends are very happy. However, because the Covid 19 pandemic came and schools were closed simultaneously, I was dismissed from assignments/classes. 


After 3 years I graduated from junior high school, I didn't get an osis certificate at my junior high school even though I had been appointed and attended LDKO. The day came I entered high school but it wasn't the high school I wanted, the first time I entered high school I took part in an activity called mpls, after the mpls activity not long after high school I got new friends and new friends in the atmosphere, they were very kind to me. 


One day there was an announcement that I will hold an election for osis and nominate osis, my friend and I tried to take the osis test because when I was in junior high school I never really felt it. ''How to be a good osis student and be a good example for classmates and contemporaries and have the same goal of making the school even better'', after taking the osis test 3 times the results finally came out, it turns out that I did not pass the selection while my friends i escaped. when taking the test it was a bit tough because the problem was ridiculed, I was also surprised why the test was like that, it was a bit painful but that's okay, because the purpose of the Student Council was to strengthen the mentality so that you get used to being ridiculed by teachers or other people. there is a chance that I will try again but I don't want to try again because there are other activities. 


thus the story of my experience if there are wrong words please forgive. 


if you want to become a student council or something else, try there is no harm in trying if it fails try so try again if it continues like that then pray to allah or your god the best for you

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