Resin Educational Specimen
Indonesia is one of the world’s richest nations in terms of its biodiversity, including the variety of Animals. First week in the first semester, according to Madanian curriculum, 12 graders learnt about Kingdom Animalia. They observed the main characteristics of Animalia, and they did morphological and anatomical investigation of these Kingdom. They are also made some exploration about biodiversity of Animalia by classified the organism based on the similarities and differences. Animals are eukaryotic, multicellular, and motile. Over 66 thousand vertebrate and over 1.3 million invertebrate species currently exist.
Learning media are needed to provide the lesson, so the students will have a full comprehension on it. Especially in this week, the teacher used resin educational specimen and Animalia card games for their activities. Resin educational specimen is the type of learning media using biological specimen as a sculpture, which is the dead organism are put inside the resin mixed by catalyst. This media is a representative to show three dimensional shape of the real organism, the students also explore more about the real animal that they couldn’t found in daily life. Otherwise, the card games are used to distinguish the taxon level of the organism. Playing cards can help both adults and children improve their fine and gross motor skills (Scolastic, 2014), card games also can encourage hand-eye coordination, help stimulate memory skill and exercise our mind (Touch Neurology, 2011).
And Allah created every animal on earth, from water; so among them is a kind that moves upon its belly; and among them is a kind that moves upon two legs; and among them a kind that moves upon four legs; Allah creates whatever He wills; indeed Allah is Able to do all things.
[Q.S. An-Nur :45]

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