Nisrina Ramadhani

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A Teen's Journey to her Dream Public High

I am a teenager who is studying at a private junior high school who wants to continue my education at a public high school, but I sometimes always take lessons lightly and am always lazy in studying. I often play and laze around and often stall for time to study, when in semester 2 of grade 7 the government made a policy to study online at home because at that time the covid-19 virus was rampant which made us study online at home.

At that time I was happy because I didn't have to go to school and was free to wake up at whatever time I wanted, but over time I felt bored and found it difficult to study. As time went on, I realized that all this time my studying was not effective if I wanted to enter the state high school that I dreamed of. Finally, I tried to change my learning pattern in order to achieve this dream. I also began to look for ways that I could focus on learning, various ways I had done at first I was desperate because I was difficult to be consistent in learning.

I felt tired and tired at that time, but my parents always gave me support so that I could be enthusiastic about studying. not only that, but there were several other things that made me enthusiastic about studying. Finally I found a way of learning that suits me, namely I will read a book for 30 minutes and will record it in my diary and after that I also practice questions little by little until I really understand. I also began to practice this method gradually and I made a schedule in my studies. By using this method, I finally managed to improve my grades from the previous semesters.

2 years passed and I finally entered grade 9, which was a very serious time for me. I had to study hard in order to get into the public school of my dreams. At the end of the first semester of grade 9 I felt happy because at the time of taking the report card I managed to get the class champion. And when entering the second semester I studied very seriously, sometimes I also studied with my best friend, we discussed the material that we thought was difficult to understand and sometimes asked the teacher. My best friend and I also often came home late from school because when it was time to go home we would gather together to study the material we had learned earlier. Not only that, I also look for material via the internet and tutoring at night with my cousin's brother we also discuss math lessons which I think are difficult to understand and very complicated but I don't despair because there is my brother who really helps me understand the lesson if I don't understand he will explain slowly until I can.

And finally came the school exam, we were all very serious in working on the questions given and we also during the exam always studied together when we got home from school via online or offline. Although sometimes we always feel tired and exhausted but we always encourage and support each other. And finally we have all finished carrying out the school exams, although we are also afraid of the results later but we are still happy because we managed to run it seriously. It was time to announce the results of the exam, I and my friends felt nervous about the results, finally we were relieved to hear the results, it turned out that our struggle while studying here was not in vain and I was successfully accepted into a public high school.

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