Versant Test
I’ve just finished doing my Post Test for Kegiatan Pengembangan Kompetensi Bahasa Inggris (PKGBI) that has been held by the ministry of basic and secondary education. This test has multiple parts, A-F. In each part, the test taker should do the different task. The tests consist of A-F, namely Repeat (16 numbers), Sentence Builds (8 numbers), Conversations (12 numbers), Sentence Completion (18 numbers), Dictation (14 numbers) and Passage Reconstruction (2 numbers).
I’d like to explain about the detail of the test. For part A-C, the test taker should listen for the sentences, part of sentences, and conversations carefully about what the speaker says. I should repeat what I’ve listened, after that I should repeat for part A, build the sentence into the correct order for part B, and give short and clear answer for part C. Unfortunately, I found some difficulties in part A-C because I couldn’t hear clearly. I don’t know where it came from.
For part D-F, I could do the test better because it’s about vocabulary and structure in writing. I got the highest score for Writing section.
Actually, I’m very disappointed with the overall result, especially for speaking and listening. I got lowest score for them. Well, the test is really challenging and also daunting for myself. Even I’ve studied with the trainer unfortunately it’s not enough to get good score. Let study more, keep improving the skill, do not be upset!
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