The Piety of the Soul, Part 3 (Hari ke-84)
Ibrahim said, "The fourth, if the angel of death comes to take your life, then tell him" Please, delay until a certain time!" The man was amazed," How can you say such a thing, Ibrahim. Allah said "So when the time has come they cannot delay it, nor can they advance it". Ibrahim said to him, "When you know that, how do you hope for salvation?" The man said, "That's right. Next, what is the fifth?"
Ibrahim continued, "When the angel Zabaniyyah, the guardian angel of hell, drag you to hell, do not go with them." Before Abraham could complete the fifth advice, the man cried saying, "Enough, Ibrahim. I beg the forgiveness to Allah and repent to Him." The man finally worshiped diligently until the end of his life.
The End
Translated from "101 Kisah Teladan" written by Muhammad Amin al-Jundi, Indonesian translation by Safrudin Edi Wibowo, Lc
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