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Morning imagination (Tagur 016)

Morning imagination (Tagur 016)

*# Today I’m feeling really blessed, and I’m pretty sure that the reason for that is you. I want to share this beautiful feeling with the most marvellous woman in the whole world. Good morning, love. Have a great day.   

*#I love you so much, sweetheart, I just don’t know where to start, maybe because my love for you is like the sunrise, every day it is a new prize. Good morning my lovely sister.

*#Every morning is a new beginning, a new chapter to be written, I would like to write that chapter with you.  Good morning my lovely angel!   

Those are really beautiful poetry i got every morning. You make me fly so high. I love the way you care me, i love the way you make me become your real woman. I love you. 

But i know, we have different believe. I have my own rules and you have your own. I don't beliave that i will go by your rules and you don't either. My love....should we go through this world by holding each other hand but in sweetest relation, like a brother and sister who can go everywhere. And you will have your own love and your own family, but if the day come could i happy to see you happy? I believe that if the day come you tears me up and i will go under ground and my day will be dark and darker. My love, i need somebody to love and i need somebody to heal, and the person is only you and you


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